Rear Seat Cushion Assembly

About this product

The Rear Seat Cushion Assembly (#71560-14490-A0), a vital body part in the Rear Seat & Seat Track system, plays a crucial role in providing comfort and support to passengers during rides. Integrated in the seat infrastructure, it absorbs shocks and reduces vibrations, contributing significantly to a smooth ride. Genuine Toyota parts, including the Rear Seat Cushion Assembly (#71560-14490-A0), are designed for perfect compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If the Rear Seat Cushion Assembly (#71560-14490-A0) becomes old or non-functional, it may cause discomfort or even potential lower back issues for passengers. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary for maintaining optimal ride comfort. Through enhancing ride comfort, the Rear Seat Cushion Assembly (#71560-14490-A0) indirectly contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle by allowing the driver to maintain focus, mitigating the risk of distraction-related accidents.